Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Contesting, contester... call it what you might, this is a huge pass time on the internet. I read a while back that this was one of the biggest growing hobbies online. With the amount of contests that you can find, it is not surprising.
I am an avid contester. I have been at it for years.. but took a break due to life being too busy. I am back at it and boy do the wins fuel you to enter more. It is hugely addictive. Yesterday I received an email letting me know I had won $500.00!
So where do you go to find contests? I find them in a number of ways. I belong to a few groups. They usually require you to submit a number of contests each month to remain active. These groups can be a lot of fun, but most take their entries seriously so if you apply to join one be prepared to not only submit the required amount, but also to make sure you are not submitting one that has already been posted. Single entry contests can void your entry if you accidentally enter again!
Another place that is good to find contests is blogs. The number of entries is usually smaller so the odds are a bit better. Face book too seems to be the new advertising mecca for companies, and they are maxing out their visibility with contests that make you "Like" them before you can enter. That can annoy your Face book friends if you enter a lot and your pages is filled with them. I would suggest you let friends know and suggest they block that part of your posts.
I also use Google. I love Google. What can you NOT find on Google!?!
Which ever way you enter, have fun and don't give up. We all have dry spells, but eventually you will see some wins coming in and there are some incredibly fun prizes out there.